The Husband Made Me Do It! Day 16 (Friday 9-23-2016)
Camino de Santiago
(Belorado to Burgos by bus–13,663 steps walking around)
Matthew 5:1-16
v. 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
And there is plenty of underfoot trampling going on, with centuries of pilgrims having walked on these same tracks. I’m glad for the paths. They keep us on the way and they are (usually) smoother than the rough ground around. But once something is tossed down and pressed into the ground by passing feet it is no longer good for its original purpose. God made his people to be salt, to enhance the favor of life and preserve his good gifts for others. I don’t want to fail in what God calls me to do and have my life lost for kingdom purposes. Lord, help me to be salt in the places you put me, even on the pilgrim way.
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