Day: November 6, 2016

Doughnuts, Vegetables & Quince Jelly–Day 41 (Tuesday 10-18-2016)

Camino de Santiago


Onward and upward!

(Palas de Rei to Castaneda: 22.5 km, 7 1/2 hours, with 1 hr & 30 min breaks; 32,333 steps, plus 200 later)

Hebrews 13:11-16
v. 14 For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.

Santiago de Compostela certainly seems to be an enduring city. People have been going there ever since it began growing around the tomb of St. James in the ninth century. Along with Rome and Jerusalem, two other even more ancient and enduring cities, it was one of the major pilgrimage centers of the Middle Ages. Yet given enough time all of earth’s cities will crumble. We can see it start to happen when earthquakes, floods, fire, terrorism or war bring sudden destruction; we see the great effort it takes to make repairs. We also see changes in cities and their people caused by political, economic and cultural shifts. Every part of life teeters on its edge. But God’s people always have a hope, the promise of the New Jerusalem, the holy and heavenly “city that is to come.” It will last not for centuries or millenia but forever. We will live with our Lord Jesus where “there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4). Lord, we thank you for the wonders we see in many beautiful cities of earth. Help us not to put our faith in them or their leaders but to cling to you and trust you to lead us to our eternal home.


We sent our packs ahead for the second day because we were walking a few more kilometers than our average and I was tired. The cost of the pack transport service is lower here, only 3€ apiece–perhaps more competition? Keep reading