Grape Expectations–Day 12 (Monday 9-19-2016)
Camino de Santiago

(Viana to Navarrete: 22.1 km in 7 1/2 hours; about 33,178 steps, plus another 2437 walking in the evening)
Jeremiah 7:1-11
v. 4 Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!”
We can look so good on the outside and back it up with things we say. “I go to church on Sunday.” “We just volunteered for a great cause.” “I’m walking to Santiago.” “Oh really?” says the Lord. “And what do you do with the rest of your time? Do you truly love your neighbor? Do you care for the poor? How do you spend the minutes when no one but me is watching? Do you worship me from your heart?” Carefully cultivated outward appearances and clever words don’t impress God, especially not when we pay him lip service then do as we please, flirting with the world’s polished plastic toys. Lord, help me to remember that you see everything I do. Help me to live with integrity.
Breakfast at the hostel was to be available from 6 am. We were ready at 6:20 then spent ten minutes knocking, ringing and shivering at the hostel door across the street before the French gentleman, whose party we seem to be trailing, let us in. Keep reading
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